Back To December

Uli Saragih
Nov 27, 2021

Something I’ve learned from Taylor’s song

Photo by Chiara Polo on Unsplash

I’d go back in time and change it, but I can’t
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

December is coming….

And exactly, it was remind me about my favorit song that I never get tired of hearing. I often think that Taylor’s songs do contain a lot of lessons.

For me, I'd rather be hurt than hurt someone because the pain will heal while hurting will make you regret endless -ulissaragih-

When we feeling hurt, there are 2 possibilities, healed and not healed. But if we hurt someone and then regret it then there is only 1 chance, which is to remain sorry. Even though it has been forgiven, sometimes that feeling of sadness comes back when we remember what we did.

